About Emily

Emily in a signature granny

I am a first generation Cincinnati, Ohio native with my most immediate roots stretching into the Central Appalachian, Southern Appalachian, and Midwestern prairie regions. I have always loved playing with clothes and learned to sew by altering thrifted pieces. I eventually learned to follow vintage patterns and make my own clothes from scratch—using old bed sheets and thrifted fabric. I found this so fulfilling that I started making, making, making…. But did I really need all of these clothes?! No. This is how my shop was born... By selling what I make, I can continue my happy hobby and provide one-of-a-kind pieces to people who appreciate these kinds of things. My materials are all secondhand and my designs are little-to-no waste, making them respectful of the natural world-- which is really important to me. When not making clothes for the shop, I work a full-time medical billing job, enjoy wandering the city, hiking the forests, reading Rilke and Cornell Woolrich, crocheting, learning new skills, and watching anything Monty Don. I most enjoy doing these things in the company of my adventurous and loving nomad husband, Mike.

My favorite season is Winter. My favorite color is tough to choose! Greys and golds. I love the colors of a late Autumn or Winter landscape. My favorite fabric is velvet or corduroy. My favorite food is butternut curry lentil soup. My favorite movies are Rear Window, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, Jane Eyre (1996), and Pride & Prejudice (2005). My favorite musician/song writer is Josh Ritter. Hmm what else?

Why “For Emily Whenever”? When I was 17, a stranger saw my name tag at work and asked if I had ever heard the Simon & Garfunkel song called “For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her”. He said it was one of the most beautiful love songs he had ever heard and encouraged me to listen to it. When I got home from work that day, I listened to it. I don’t know why but I never forgot that. I had never seen or heard my name used in a song. I loved that a stranger recommended it. I loved that my name was in the title only. I loved all the references in the lyrics to texture and color. I even loved the title on its own. When I started making things to sell, I was still trying to feel my way into a sense of fulfillment and sense of self in this role. I needed everything I did to feel right and feed my soul before all else. And it does. Everything I make is for me first, for Emily… but also for girls like me, for people like me…. who want to feel pretty and special in our clothes while we find our purpose and fulfillment... whenever that may be.